Languoid data

All metadata related to a languoid (i.e. the content of the languoid’s INI file and the classification - its relation to other languoids) is available from a pyglottolog.languoids.Languoid instance.

class pyglottolog.languoids.Languoid(cfg, lineage=None, id_=None, directory=None, tree=None, _api=None)[source]

Info on languoids is encoded in the INI files and in the directory hierarchy of pyglottolog.Glottolog.tree. This class provides access to all of it.

Languoid formatting:


_format_specs – A dict mapping custom format specifiers to conversion functions. Usage:

>>> l = Languoid.from_name_id_level(pathlib.Path('.'), 'N(a,m)e', 'abcd1234', 'language')
>>> '{0:newick_name}'.format(l)
  • cfg (clldutils.inifile.INI) –

  • lineage (typing.Optional[typing.List[typing.Tuple[str, str, str]]]) –

  • id_ (typing.Optional[str]) –

  • directory (typing.Optional[pathlib.Path]) –

  • tree (typing.Optional[pathlib.Path]) –

Refer to the factory methods for typical use cases of instantiating a Languoid:

  • cfg (clldutils.inifile.INI) – INI instance storing the languoid’s metadata.

  • lineage (typing.Optional[typing.List[typing.Tuple[str, str, str]]]) – list of ancestors (from root to this languoid).

  • id – Glottocode for the languoid (or None, if directory is passed).

  • _api – Some properties require access to config data which is accessed through a Glottolog API instance.

  • id_ (typing.Optional[str]) –

  • directory (typing.Optional[pathlib.Path]) –

  • tree (typing.Optional[pathlib.Path]) –

classmethod from_dir(directory, nodes=None, _api=None, **kw)[source]

Create a Languoid from a directory, named with the Glottocode and containing md.ini.

This method is used by pyglottolog.Glottolog to read Languoid`s from the repository’s `languoids/tree directory.


directory (pathlib.Path) –

classmethod from_name_id_level(tree, name, id, level, **kw)[source]

This method is used in pyglottolog.lff to instantiate Languoid s for new nodes encountered in “lff”-format trees.

newick_node(nodes=None, template=None, maxlevel=None, level=0)[source]

Return a newick.Node representing the subtree of the Glottolog classification starting at the languoid.


template – Python format string accepting the Languoid instance as single variable named l, used to format node labels.

Return type



Write Languoid metadata as INI file to outdir/<INFO_FILENAME>.


outdir (typing.Optional[pathlib.Path]) –

property glottocode

Alias for id

property category

Languoid category.

  • Category name from pyglottolog.config.LanguageType for languoids of level “language”,

  • “Family” or “Pseudo Family” for families,

  • “Dialect” for dialects.

property isolate: bool

Flag signaling whether the languoid is an isolate, i.e. has level “language” and is not member of a family.

Return type


property children: List[Languoid]

List of direct descendants of the languoid in the classification tree.


Using this on many languoids can be slow, because the directory tree may be traversed and INI files read multiple times. To circumvent this problem, you may use a read-only pyglottolog.Glottolog instance, by passing cache=True at initialization.

Return type


property ancestors: List[Languoid]

List of ancestors of the languoid in the classification tree, from root (i.e. top-level family) to parent node.


Using this on many languoids can be slow, because the directory tree may be traversed and INI files read multiple times. To circumvent this problem, you may use a read-only pyglottolog.Glottolog instance, by passing cache=True at initialization.

Return type


property parent: Optional[Languoid]

Parent languoid or None.


Using this on many languoids can be slow, because the directory tree may be traversed and INI files read multiple times. To circumvent this problem, you may use a read-only pyglottolog.Glottolog instance, by passing cache=True at initialization.

Return type


property family: Optional[Languoid]

Top-level family the languoid belongs to or None.


Using this on many languoids can be slow, because the directory tree may be traversed and INI files read multiple times. To circumvent this problem, you may use a read-only pyglottolog.Glottolog instance, by passing cache=True at initialization.

Return type


property names: Dict[str, list]

A dict mapping alternative name providers to list s of alternative names for the languoid by the given provider.

Return type

typing.Dict[str, list]

property sources: List[Reference]

List of Glottolog references linked to the languoid

Return type


property endangerment: Union[None, Endangerment]

Endangerment information about the languoid.

Return type


property classification_comment: Union[None, ClassificationComment]

Classification information about the languoid.

Return type


property ethnologue_comment: Union[None, EthnologueComment]

Commentary about the classification of the languoid in Ethnologue.

Return type


property macroareas: List[Macroarea]
Return type

list of config.Macroarea

Links to web resources related to the languoid

Return type


property countries: List[Country]

Countries a language is spoken in.

Return type


property name

The Glottolog mame of the languoid

property latitude: Union[None, float]

The geographic latitude of the point chosen as representative coordinate of the languoid

Return type


property longitude: Union[None, float]

The geographic longitude of the point chosen as representative coordinate of the languoid

Return type


closest_iso(api=None, nodes=None)[source]

ISO 639-3 code assigned to the languoid or one of its ancestors in the classification (in case of dialects) or None.

Return type


class pyglottolog.languoids.Glottocodes(fname)[source]

Registry keeping track of glottocodes that have been dealt out.

Some of the data available for languoids has enough internal structure to merit separate classes, simplyfying access.

class pyglottolog.languoids.Reference(key, pages=None, trigger=None)[source]

A reference of a bibliographical record in Glottolog.

Method generated by attrs for class Reference.


Retrieve the referenced bibliographical record.

Return type


class pyglottolog.languoids.Endangerment(status, source, comment, date)[source]

Info about the endangerment status of the languoid


Method generated by attrs for class Endangerment.

status: AES
source: AESSource

Date when the endangerment status was assessed

class pyglottolog.languoids.EthnologueComment(isohid, comment_type, ethnologue_versions='', comment=None)[source]

Commentary about the classification of the languoid according to Ethnologue

Method generated by attrs for class EthnologueComment.



  • “spurious” meaning the comment is to explain why the languoid in question is spurious and in which Ethnologue (as below) that is/was

  • “missing” meaning the comment is to explain why the languoid in question is missing (as a language entry) and in which Ethnologue (as below) that is/was


Which Ethnologue version(s) from E16-E19 the comment pertains to, joined by /:s. E.g. E16/E17. In the case of comment_type=spurious, E16/E17 in the version field means that the code was spurious in E16/E17 but no longer spurious in E18/E19. In the case of comment_type=missing, E16/E17 would mean that the code was missing from E16/E17, but present in E18/E19. If the comment concerns a language where versions would be the empty string, instead the string ISO 639-3 appears.

class pyglottolog.languoids.ISORetirement(code=None, name=None, change_request=None, effective=None, reason=None, change_to=NOTHING, remedy=None, comment=None)[source]

Information extracted from accepted ISO 639-3 change requests about retired ISO codes associated with the languoid.

Method generated by attrs for class ISORetirement.


Retired ISO 639-3 code


Name of the retired ISO language


Number of the ISO change request


Date of acceptance of the change request


Reason to retire the ISO code


List of ISO codes replacing the retired code


What to do about the retired code

class pyglottolog.languoids.ClassificationComment(sub=None, subrefs=NOTHING, family=None, familyrefs=NOTHING)[source]

Commentary on the classification of the languoid

Method generated by attrs for class ClassificationComment.


Commentary on the internal classification of the descendants of the languoid

subrefs: List[Reference]

References for the internal classification


Commentary on the classification of the languoid within its family

familyrefs: List[Reference]

References for the family classification