Source code for pyglottolog.api

Programmatic access to Glottolog data.
import re
import typing
import pathlib
import contextlib
import collections

import pycldf.util
from csvw import TableGroup, Column
from clldutils.path import walk, git_describe
from clldutils.misc import lazyproperty
from clldutils.apilib import API
from clldutils.jsonlib import load
import clldutils.iso_639_3
import pycountry
from termcolor import colored
from tqdm import tqdm

from . import util
from . import languoids as lls
from . import references
from . import config
from .languoids import models

__all__ = ['Glottolog']

ISO_CODE_PATTERN = re.compile('[a-z]{3}$')

class Cache(dict):
    def __init__(self):
        self._lineage = {}

    def __bool__(self):
        return True

    def add(self, directory: pathlib.Path, api) -> lls.Languoid:
        if not in self:
            lang = lls.Languoid.from_dir(directory, nodes=self._lineage, _api=api)
            self._lineage[] = (,, lang.level)
            self[] = lang
            if lang.iso:
                self[lang.iso] = lang
            lang = self[]
        return lang

[docs]class Glottolog(API): """ API to access Glottolog data This class provides (read and write) access to a local copy of the Glottolog data, which can be obtained as explained in the `README <>`_ """ countries = [models.Country(c.alpha_2, for c in pycountry.countries] def __init__(self, repos='.', *, cache: bool = False): """ :param repos: Path to a copy of `<>`_ :param cache: Indicate whether to cache `Languoid` objects or not. If `True`, the API must \ be used read-only. """ API.__init__(self, repos=repos) #: Absolute path to the copy of the data repository: self.repos: pathlib.Path = pathlib.Path.cwd() / self.repos #: Absolute path to the `tree` directory in the repos. self.tree: pathlib.Path = self.repos / 'languoids' / 'tree' if not self.tree.exists(): raise ValueError('repos dir %s missing tree dir: %s' % (self.repos, self.tree)) if not self.repos.joinpath('references').exists(): raise ValueError('repos dir %s missing references subdir' % (self.repos,)) self.cache = Cache() if cache else None def __str__(self): return '<Glottolog repos {0} at {1}>'.format(git_describe(self.repos), self.repos) def describe(self) -> str: return git_describe(self.repos)
[docs] def references_path(self, *comps: str): """ Path within the `references` directory of the repos. """ return self.repos.joinpath('references', *comps)
[docs] def languoids_path(self, *comps): """ Path within the `languoids` directory of the repos. """ return self.repos.joinpath('languoids', *comps)
def build_path(self, *comps: str) -> pathlib.Path: build_dir = self.repos.joinpath('build') if not build_dir.exists(): build_dir.mkdir() # pragma: no cover return build_dir.joinpath(*comps) @contextlib.contextmanager def cache_dir(self, name): d = self.build_path(name) if not d.exists(): d.mkdir() yield d def _cfg(self, name, cls=None): return config.Config.from_ini( self.path('config', name + '.ini'), object_class=cls or config.Generic) @lazyproperty def aes_status(self) -> typing.Dict[str, config.AES]: """ :rtype: mapping with :class:`config.AES` values. """ return self._cfg('aes_status', cls=config.AES) @lazyproperty def aes_sources(self) -> typing.Dict[str, config.AESSource]: """ :rtype: mapping with :class:`config.AESSource` values """ return self._cfg('aes_sources', cls=config.AESSource) @lazyproperty def document_types(self) -> typing.Dict[str, config.DocumentType]: """ :rtype: mapping with :class:`config.DocumentType` values """ return self._cfg('document_types', cls=config.DocumentType) @lazyproperty def med_types(self) -> typing.Dict[str, config.MEDType]: """ :rtype: mapping with :class:`config.MEDType` values """ return self._cfg('med_types', cls=config.MEDType) @lazyproperty def macroareas(self) -> typing.Dict[str, config.Macroarea]: """ :rtype: mapping with :class:`config.Macroarea` values """ return self._cfg('macroareas', cls=config.Macroarea) @lazyproperty def language_types(self) -> typing.Dict[str, config.LanguageType]: """ :rtype: mapping with :class:`config.LanguageType` values """ return self._cfg('language_types', cls=config.LanguageType) @lazyproperty def languoid_levels(self) -> typing.Dict[str, config.LanguoidLevel]: """ :rtype: mapping with :class:`config.LanguoidLevel` values """ return self._cfg('languoid_levels', cls=config.LanguoidLevel) @lazyproperty def editors(self) -> typing.Dict[str, config.Generic]: """ Metadata about editors of Glottolog :rtype: mapping with :class:`config.Generic` values """ return self._cfg('editors') @lazyproperty def publication(self) -> typing.Dict[str, config.Generic]: """ Metadata about the Glottolog publication :rtype: mapping with :class:`config.Generic` values """ return self._cfg('publication')
[docs] @lazyproperty def iso(self) -> clldutils.iso_639_3.ISO: """ :return: `clldutils.iso_639_3.ISO` instance, fed with the data of the latest \ ISO code table zip found in the `build` directory. """ return util.get_iso(self.build_path())
@property def ftsindex(self) -> pathlib.Path: """ Directory within `build` where the FullTextSearch index is created. """ return self.build_path('whoosh') @lazyproperty def _tree_dirs(self): return list(walk(self.tree, mode='dirs')) @property def glottocodes(self) -> models.Glottocodes: """ Registry of Glottocodes. """ return models.Glottocodes(self.languoids_path('glottocodes.json'))
[docs] def languoid(self, id_: typing.Union[str, lls.Languoid]) -> lls.Languoid: """ Retrieve a languoid specified by language code. :param id_: Glottocode or ISO code. """ if isinstance(id_, lls.Languoid): return id_ if self.cache and id_ in self.cache: return self.cache[id_] if ISO_CODE_PATTERN.match(id_): for d in self._tree_dirs if self.cache else walk(self.tree, mode='dirs'): if self.cache: l_ = self.cache.add(d, self) else: l_ = lls.Languoid.from_dir(d, _api=self) if l_.iso_code == id_: return l_ else: for d in self._tree_dirs if self.cache else walk(self.tree, mode='dirs'): l_ = None if self.cache: # If we cache Languoids, we might as well instantiate the ones we traverse: l_ = self.cache.add(d, self) if == id_: if self.cache: return l_ return lls.Languoid.from_dir(d, _api=self)
[docs] def languoids( self, ids: set = None, maxlevel: typing.Union[int, config.LanguoidLevel, str] = None, exclude_pseudo_families: bool = False ) -> typing.Generator[lls.Languoid, None, None]: """ Yields languoid objects. :param ids: `set` of Glottocodes to limit the result to. This is useful to increase \ performance, since INI file reading can be skipped for languoids not listed. :param maxlevel: Numeric maximal nesting depth of languoids, or Languoid.level. :param exclude_pseudo_families: Flag signaling whether to exclude pseud families, \ i.e. languoids from non-genealogical trees. """ is_max_level_int = isinstance(maxlevel, int) # Non-numeric levels are interpreted as `Languoid.level` descriptors. if not is_max_level_int: maxlevel = self.languoid_levels.get(maxlevel or 'dialect') # Since we traverse the tree topdown, we can cache a mapping of to triples # (name, id, level) for populating `Languoid.lineage`. nodes = {} for d in self._tree_dirs if self.cache else walk(self.tree, mode='dirs'): if ids is None or in ids: if self.cache: lang = self.cache.add(d, self) else: lang = lls.Languoid.from_dir(d, nodes=nodes, _api=self) if (is_max_level_int and len(lang.lineage) <= maxlevel) \ or ((not is_max_level_int) and lang.level <= maxlevel): if (not exclude_pseudo_families) or not lang.category.startswith('Pseudo'): yield lang
[docs] def languoids_by_code(self, nodes=None) -> typing.Dict[str, lls.Languoid]: """ Returns a `dict` mapping the three major language code schemes (Glottocode, ISO code, and Harald's NOCODE_s) to Languoid objects. """ res = {} for lang in (self.languoids() if nodes is None else nodes.values()): res[] = lang if lang.hid: res[lang.hid] = lang if lang.iso: res[lang.iso] = lang return res
[docs] def ascii_tree(self, start: typing.Union[str, lls.Languoid], maxlevel=None): """ Prints an ASCII representation of the languoid tree starting at `start` to `stdout`. """ _ascii_node( self.languoid(start), 0, True, self.languoid_levels.get(maxlevel, maxlevel) if maxlevel else None, '', self.languoid_levels)
[docs] def newick_tree( self, start: typing.Union[None, str, lls.Languoid] = None, template: str = None, nodes=None, maxlevel: typing.Union[int, config.LanguoidLevel] = None ) -> str: """ Returns the Newick representation of a (set of) Glottolog classification tree(s). :param start: Root languoid of the tree (or `None` to return the complete classification). :param template: Python format string accepting the `Languoid` instance as single \ variable named `l`, used to format node labels. """ template = template or lls.Languoid._newick_default_template if start: return self.languoid(start).newick_node( template=template, nodes=nodes, maxlevel=maxlevel, level=1).newick + ';' if nodes is None: nodes = collections.OrderedDict((, lang) for lang in self.languoids()) trees = [] for lang in nodes.values(): if not lang.lineage and not lang.category.startswith('Pseudo '): ns = lang.newick_node( nodes=nodes, template=template, maxlevel=maxlevel, level=1).newick if lang.level == self.languoid_levels.language: # An isolate: we wrap it in a pseudo-family with the same name and ID. fam = lls.Languoid.from_name_id_level( lang.dir.parent,,, 'family', _api=self) ns = '({0}){1}:1'.format(ns, template.format(l=fam)) # noqa: E741 trees.append('{0};'.format(ns)) return '\n'.join(trees)
@lazyproperty def bibfiles(self) -> references.BibFiles: """ Access reference data by BibFile. :rtype: :class:`references.BibFiles` """ return references.BibFiles.from_path(self.references_path(), api=self) def refs_by_languoid(self, *bibfiles, **kw): nodes = kw.get('nodes') if bibfiles: bibfiles = [ bib if isinstance(bib, references.BibFile) else self.bibfiles[bib] for bib in bibfiles] else: bibfiles = self.bibfiles all_ = {} languoids_by_code = self.languoids_by_code( nodes or { lang for lang in self.languoids()}) res = collections.defaultdict(list) for bib in tqdm(bibfiles): for entry in bib.iterentries(): all_[] = entry for lang in entry.languoids(languoids_by_code)[0]: res[].append(entry) return res, all_ @lazyproperty def hhtypes(self): # Note: The file `hhtype.ini` does not exist anymore. This is fixed in HHTypes, when # calling `config.get_ini`. Only used when compiling monster.bib. return references.HHTypes(self.references_path('hhtype.ini')) @lazyproperty def triggers(self): res = {'inlg': [], 'lgcode': []} for lang in self.languoids(): for type_ in res: if lang.cfg.has_option('triggers', type_): label = '%s [%s]' % (, lang.hid or res[type_].extend([util.Trigger(type_, label, text) for text in lang.cfg.getlist('triggers', type_)]) return res @lazyproperty def macroarea_map(self): res = {} for lang in self.languoids(): ma = lang.macroareas[0].name if lang.macroareas else '' res[] = ma if lang.iso: res[lang.iso] = ma if lang.hid: res[lang.hid] = ma return res @property def current_editors(self): return sorted([e for e in self.editors.values() if e.current], key=lambda e: int(e.ord)) def write_languoids_table(self, outdir, version=None): version = version or self.describe() out = outdir / 'glottolog-languoids-{0}.csv'.format(version) md = outdir / ( + '-metadata.json') tg = TableGroup.fromvalue({ "@context": "", "dc:version": version, "dc:bibliographicCitation": "{0}. " "{1} [Data set]. " "Zenodo.{2}".format( ' & '.join([ for e in self.current_editors]), self.publication.zenodo.title_format.format('(Version {0})'.format(version)), self.publication.zenodo.doi, ), "tables": [load(pycldf.util.pkg_path('components', 'LanguageTable-metadata.json'))], }) tg.tables[0].url = for col in [ dict(name='LL_Code'), dict(name='Classification', separator='/'), dict(name='Family_Glottocode'), dict(name='Family_Name'), dict(name='Language_Glottocode'), dict(name='Language_Name'), dict(name='Level', datatype=dict(base='string', format='family|language|dialect')), dict(name='Status'), ]: tg.tables[0].tableSchema.columns.append(Column.fromvalue(col)) langs = [] for lang in self.languoids(): lid, lname = None, None if lang.level == self.languoid_levels.language: lid, lname =, elif lang.level == self.languoid_levels.dialect: for lname, lid, level in reversed(lang.lineage): if level == self.languoid_levels.language: break else: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError langs.append(dict(,, Macroarea=lang.macroareas[0].name if lang.macroareas else None, Latitude=lang.latitude, Longitude=lang.longitude,, ISO639P3code=lang.iso, LL_Code=lang.identifier.get('multitree'), Classification=[c[1] for c in lang.lineage], Language_Glottocode=lid, Language_Name=lname, Family_Name=lang.lineage[0][0] if lang.lineage else None, Family_Glottocode=lang.lineage[0][1] if lang.lineage else None,, if lang.endangerment else None, )) tg.to_file(md) tg.tables[0].write(langs, fname=out) return md, out
def _ascii_node(n, level, last, maxlevel, prefix, levels): nlevel = levels.get(n.level) if maxlevel: if (isinstance(maxlevel, config.LanguoidLevel) and nlevel > maxlevel) or \ (not isinstance(maxlevel, config.LanguoidLevel) and level > maxlevel): return s = '\u2514' if last else '\u251c' s += '\u2500 ' if not level: for i, node in enumerate(n.ancestors): util.sprint('{0}{1}{2} [{3}]', prefix, s if i else '',, prefix = ' ' + prefix nprefix = prefix + (' ' if last else '\u2502 ') color = 'red' if not level else ( 'green' if nlevel == levels.language else ( 'blue' if nlevel == levels.dialect else None)) util.sprint( '{0}{1}{2} [{3}]', prefix, s if level else (s if n.ancestors else ''), colored(, color) if color else, colored(, color) if color else for i, c in enumerate(sorted(n.children, key=lambda nn: _ascii_node(c, level + 1, i == len(n.children) - 1, maxlevel, nprefix, levels)